5 min read

Tour all set for ya

Tour dates for Candle & Crow and more
Tour all set for ya
A hairy woodpecker looking for insects in my backyard. Dapper? Yes. As all heck.

How y’all doin’? August in Canada is pretty spiffy. It’s the chill part of summer, which is a bit of a novelty for me since where I grew up in Arizona, August was usually the worst, because it had all the heat the desert usually gets plus a smidgen of the humidity that folks in the South know all too well. It was the month you really had to get out of town if you could, so when I was a wee lad that was always vacation time. And where would we go? Someplace cool and green, like where I live now!

We are getting a bit of wildfire smoke right now from elsewhere in Canada—things aren’t lovely everywhere, alas. But otherwise we’re in good shape.

Up to this point in the year I’ve had just a ton of stuff come out, from my short stories to novellas to paperback releases of last year’s hardcover, but the big honkin’ deal I’ll be touring for in October for is CANDLE & CROW, the final book in the Ink & Sigil series and the final book in the Iron Druid universe. Everyone gets a cameo and a fond farewell, including that crow…you know who it is! Check out the red eyes!

Cover art by Sarah J. Coleman.

The tour is gonna be one heck of a hootenanny, mostly in the Midwest where I haven’t been in like, six or seven years? Can’t wait to see y’all! In four cities I’ll be joined by Chuck Wendig and Delilah S. Dawson, and in three cities there will be "pregame” meetups at local foodie spots if you want to hang out with us prior to the event. Here’s a detailed breakdown so you can make plans:

Oct. 1 with Chuck and Delilah
Pregame: 5 pm at Giordano’s, a pizza joint around the corner from the bookshop, 119 S. Main St. in Naperville. Famous deep dish, thin crust, & gluten free!
Event: 7 pm at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL

Oct. 2 with Chuck and Delilah
Event: 6:30 pm at Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee, WI. This is a free ticketed event—the link will get you that free ticket!

Oct. 3 with Chuck and Delilah
Pregame: 4 pm at Pizza Brutta, 1805 Monroe St. in Madison, a few doors down from the bookshop.
Event: 6 pm at Mystery to Me Books in Madison, WI

Oct. 4 with Chuck and Delilah
Event: 6 pm at Barnes & Noble at HarMar Mall in Roseville, MN

Oct. 5—just me, now! But Mom, too. You can meet my mom!
Pregame: 4 pm at Cornish Pasty at 3800 N. Goldwater Blvd just a couple doors down from the bookstore
Event: 6 pm at The Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, AZ

Oct. 6
Event: 3 pm at Bakka Phoenix Books in Toronto, ON

Oct. 7
Event: 7 pm at Perfect Books in Ottawa, ON

Getting to tour with Chuck and Delilah is gonna be so much fun. They’re a blast in person. And of course, we have written books together, which means this tour is one of the very few times that you can get them signed by all of us. Delilah and I wrote three full books together, humorous fantasies called the Tales of Pell, and the three of us have also penned three novella collections. I’ll drop them in a gallery here so you can check them out, and if you preorder any of them from the first three bookstores, we can all sign them and they’ll be shipped to you!

And of course, you can also order any other title by Chuck, Delilah, or me and have it shipped to you after we sign it. Or you can send a duly appointed minion to our events, that’d work too. One way or another, we hope to see you/sign something for you/yodel in your general direction.

In other news

Those of you who have been waiting for the signed and numbered limited print edition of The Hermit Next Door, the wait is almost over! Word is that after they’re finally finished tomorrow, Aug. 16, and should be shipping directly after that. If you buy directly from the publisher, Subterranean Press, it’s going to arrive in pristine condition, all bubble wrapped like a beautiful book baby and it might even coo and giggle as you take it out of the box. Or you might coo and giggle. It’s a toss-up. But thanks to everyone who’s read it so far in ebook or audio and left a review and spread the word—you rock!

And for those of you who like to binge-read paperbacks, The Seven Kennings is now complete and available in mass market paperback, as A Curse of Krakens just released late last month! Dive into Teldwen and enjoy your bards, krakens, bloodcats, and giants!

In other, other news

I finished a novel—something entirely new—and sent it to my agent. I hope I’ll be able to tell you more about it soon. Sorry to be vague, but I just wanted you to know I’m working on more stuff! And, of course, reading stuff.

What I’m Reading

The Drowning House

"This smartly paced, genre bending novel is a good choice for the horror-curious thriller reader who enjoyed The Good House by Tananarive Due and Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia."
Booklist, Starred Review
Houses fall into the Pacific Ocean all the time.
Not one has ever come back. Until today.
A violent storm washes a mysterious house onto a rural Pacific Northwest beach, stopping the heart of the only woman who knows what it means. Her grandson, Simon Culpepper, vanishes in the aftermath, leaving two of his childhood friends to comb the small, isolated island for answers--but decades have passed since Melissa and Leo were close, if they were ever close at all. 
Now they'll have to put aside old rivalries and grudges if they want to find or save the man who brought them together in the first place--and on the way they'll learn a great deal about the sinister house on the beach, the man who built it, and the evil he's bringing back to Marrowstone Island. 

From award-winning author Cherie Priest comes a deeply haunting and atmospheric horror-thriller that explores the lengths we'll go to protect those we love.

The Drowning House