4 min read

So many things happening

Some new stuff and places I’ll be, hopefully near you
So many things happening
Blue jay feeling corny. Captured this near the St. Lawrence River.

Woo, it’s been a busy year! You have doubtless noticed, as I have, that things are happening. Much of it outside our control. We can control some stuff, though! For example: Ourselves. And our happiness. We can pet a dog. Bake some cookies. Eat some cookies. Read a book where we are transported elsewhere and it gives us hope and other feelings that aren’t icky and worrisome. Listen to music and bang our head, tap our toes, do the Dougie or whatever the cool dance move is now. (Pretty sure it’s no longer the Dougie.) We can say hi to trees and tell them we’re glad they’re around. It feels pretty good to do that, even though they don’t answer.

There’s work, too, of course. Stuff that pays the bills. I have had a book come out since the last free newsletter: It’s called The Hermit Next Door, and it’s available now in ebook and audio for minor ducats! The signed and numbered limited print edition is coming at the end of the month, so everyone who has preordered a copy from Subterranean Press, it’s coming soon! And if you want one, hop on that before they’re gone!

What is it? A science fiction novella that goes places you may not expect. I certainly did not expect this review from Locus:

Have you ever read a lighthearted romp about grief? I think you need to read this just for the novelty of it! (It’s about other stuff too; I just enjoy that quote.)

Folks have been really digging the audio and I know most of you are Luke Daniels fans (as you should be), but this particular story required someone different and I think she knocked it out of the park. Listen to this sample from Annalee Scott and I’m sure you’ll agree your ears will be in for a treat, especially about two minutes in:

Sample The Hermit Next Door

The other big news is that a week from today, the paperback edition of A Curse of Krakens will be out! The Seven Kennings trilogy—yeah, just three books even though the word SEVEN is in the title—will be complete and ready to be binged! And I’m headed to the States for single day to sign copies, either in person if you can make it or to be shipped wherever you are. If you’d like signed copies of any of my books shipped to you, please contact Copper Dog Books in Beverly, MA to arrange it now. I will be there July 23 with none other than the legendary Max Gladstone! (You can order signed books from him too.) Max and I will be at The Indo Pub at 5 pm for a hangout and some fish and chips if you’d like to join us—it’s just a couple of blocks away from the bookstore. We hope to see you!

I personally guarantee you that I will have photos to share after this event, because I’m going to play tourist in Salem (which is next door to Beverly) and enjoy all the witchy goodness. Can’t wait!

Looking forward from there, I can tell you that I’ll be in the following cities for the release of Candle & Crow, which you can preorder now wherever you like to buy books, or grab signed copies from the stores listed below, and yep, the audio will be by Luke Daniels! In the first four cities—Chicago through Minneapolis—I will be joined by immortal legends Chuck Wendig and Delilah S. Dawson! Make thee some plans to come see us (or just me at the end).

Oct. 1: Naperville, IL, Anderson’s Bookshop, 7 pm (pregame hangout details coming)
Oct. 2: Milwaukee, WI, Boswell Book Company, 6:30 pm
Oct 3: Madison, WI, Mystery to Me Books, 6 pm (pregame hangout details coming)
Oct 4: Minneapolis, MN, Barnes & Noble, HarMar Mall, 6 pm
Oct 5: Scottsdale, AZ, The Poisoned Pen, 7 pm (pregame at 5 pm at Cornish Pasty up the street!)
Oct 6: Toronto, ON, Bakka Phoenix Books, 3 pm
Oct 7: Ottawa, ON, Perfect Books, 7 pm

What I’m Reading

The Book of Elsewhere

An immortal dude who wants to die meets up with some possible solutions to his problem. SHENANIGANS ENSUE. Though I am fairly certain I am oversimplifying, I’m excited to read. This is based off a comic/graphic novel that Reeves wrote called BRZRKR, and the scuttlebutt is that it’s pretty spiffy. William Gibson’s called it “an exceptionally innovative collaboration from two remarkable minds.” Rock and roll, let’s goooo!

The Book of Elsewhere